A knowledge base category is a knowledge base folder containing other categories or knowledge base articles. Clicking an category in the knowledge base tree lists all the articles in the middle panel that are either descendants of that category or explicitly linked to that category.Articles are explicitly linked to categories using the Advanced edit tab when editing an article.
Edit - Edits one or more selected articles. If multiple articles are edited, only shared properties can be edited.
Move - Moves selected articles to a different position in the knowledge base tree. This does not affect explicit links between articles and categories.
Attach article - Assigns an article to selected groups and assets.
Edit - Edits a selected article.
Add a subcategory - Adds a subcategory to the current category.
Delete category - Deletes the current category.
Create a new article - Creates a new article subordinate to the current category.
Edit tabs
Basic properties tab
Name - The name of the category.
Description - A one line description of the category.