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Assets Synchronization

This procedure provides bulk synchronization. Even if this bulk procedure is not run, asset synchronization occurs automatically for integrated customer accounts and locations when:

Synchronizing Assets

  1. Select the Admin > Service Desk > RMM Integration Settings page.
  2. Click the integration record you created earlier.
  3. Select the Assets Synchronization tab.
  4. Optionally filter the loading of asset data from the VSA into Vorex™ using the Load Assets tab.

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  5. Click the Load Assets button to load asset data from the VSA into Vorex™.
  6. Check the assets you want to import. You can also select the 'select all' checkbox in the upper left hand corner of the table to select all listed assets.

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  7. Review the Import Results.

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  8. Review synchronized asset properties using the Vorex > Service Desk > Asset Management > Hardware Assets page.