The Batch Actions button on ticket search pages enables you to perform actions on multiple tickets at the same time. When you click the button, two options display:
Current Page - Performs batch actions on tickets in the current page only.
All Pages (max 500) - Performs batch actions on tickets in the current search context, up to 500 tickets at a time.
Batch Tickets Wizard
Clicking either of the options above displays a Batch Tickets wizard that steps you through the following choices:
Choose Tickets
Choose Operation
Operation Details
Step 1 - Choose Tickets
Select one or more tickets in the list to batch process.
Click Next Step.
Step 2 - Choose Operation
Select one of the following options.
Update Tickets - Updates selected fields in the tickets.
Assign Tickets - Assigns the tickets to an assignee and/or queue.
Delete Tickets - Deletes the tickets.
Click Next Step.
Step 3 - Operation Details
Complete the following, depending on the choice you made in step 2.
If Update Tickets was selected, you can update the following ticket fields.
Issue Type
Sub Issue Type
Ticket Type
If Assign Tickets was selected, you can change who the ticket is assigned to:
Change Primary Assignee
Change Queue
If Delete Tickets was selected, no detail choices are required.
Click Next Step.
Step 4 - Confirmation
Review the list of tickets that are about to be batch processed.
For Update Tickets and Assign Tickets, a list of the fields selected for updating shows the new values that will be assigned.
For Delete Tickets, a warning message displays before final confirmation.