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A view is a user-defined filtered search of a specific list page. The Views page shows all views created by yourself or shared with you by others. Selecting a view selects both the specific list page and the search filter parameters saved with that view.

Creating a View

To create and save a new view by name on any list page:

  1. From the Views combo box, select an existing view, or enter new search parameters from scratch.
  2. Click the gear icon, then click the Save As option, then enter a name.
  3. Optionally make your view Public or set it be your Default for the page you're working with.

Working with Views

Column Chooser

All list pages display a Column Chooser icon. Click the icon to select and order your column choices for a list page. You can then optionally save it as a view or export the data.


All list pages support the ability to Export the Current Page or All Pages to an .xls format file. Only currently displayed columns are exported in the order they are displayed. Use the Column Chooser to add, remove or reorder columns before exporting.