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Add / Edit Report Template

Report Design Description

Note: See Report Definitions for a description of options on the General tab and Cover Page, Header and Footer tab.

Layouts tab

In the left hand pane, the Layouts tab displays a data object tree of data sets. A two-column table displays in the right hand pane. You can drag-and-drop data sets from the data object tree into any of the cells of the two-column table. A data set can only occupy one or both cells of a single row. A report part displays data returned by a data set in a specific format. There are several types of report part formats:

The data object tree also includes existing templates. You can drag and drop a part from an existing template into the right hand pane, then modify this new copy of the part for your new template. The source template remains unchanged.

Adding a Report Part to a Layout

  1. Drag-and-drop a data set from the data object tree in the left hand pane into one of the cells in the right hand pane.
  2. Select the report part format. You can not switch formats after you make this selection. You can delete the report part, re-add it, then select a different format.

  3. Click the gear icon or double-click the cell to configure the report part. The report template cannot be saved until a report part has been configured at least once. Unconfigured report parts display a red box around their cells.

  4. Configuring a report part depends on the type of report part selected. See:
  5. Use the Resize icon to expand a report part into two cells on a single row or collapse it back to a single cell. Expanding a report part into multiple rows is not supported.
  6. Any time after a part is configured within a template you can optionally save a part to the Report Parts page by clicking the save icon . This makes it a "standard" part that can be used in templates and report definitions.