Optionally select a machine from the Agents list to copy settings from. This is oftentimes a machine ID template account. All copied settings and pending agent procedures—except the organization ID, machine ID, and group ID—are applied to every new machine ID created with the package.
If Do Not Copy Settings is checked, default agent settings are used. If unchecked, click Select Copy Agent to select the agent or agent template account to copy settings from.
Select he operating system you are creating the install package for: Automatically choose OS of downloading computer:Windows, Macintosh, or Linux.Linux requires a Linux-specific install package.
Ensure Select Agent Type is set to Linux.
Optionally bind a user logon credential to the install package. Fill in the Administrator Credential form to securely bind user rights to the install package.
Users without administrator rights can install the package successfully without having to enter an administrator credential.
If the administrator credential is left blank and the user does not have administrator rights to install software, the install package prompts the user to enter an administrator credential during the install. If the package is also silent KcsSetup will fail without any dialog messages explaining this.
Administrator Credentials - If necessary, an agent install package can be created that includes an administrator credential to access a customer network. Credentials are only necessary if users are installing packages on machines and do not have administrator access to their network. The administrator credential is encrypted, never available in clear text form, and bound to the install package.
Provide a name and description for the install package for easy reference later. This name displays on the Manage Packages page and the dl.asp download page.
Optionally set the new install package as the default install package.
Optionally show the install package on the download page.