The Schedule / Create page automates user-defined tasks on managed machines by creating and scheduling agent procedures. See the following topics for details:
Alert triggered agent procedures - Almost all configurable alerts in the VSA include a Run Agent Procedure option that you can use to run a selected agent procedure if the alert is triggered. For example, the Alerts page contains a list of alerts that include this option.
Agent Procedure Failure Alerts - The Alerts - Agent Procedure Failure page triggers an alert when an agent procedure fails to execute on a managed machine. For example, if you specify a file name, directory path or registry key in an agent procedure, then run the agent procedure on a machine ID for which these values are invalid, you can be notified about the agent procedure failure using this alerts page.
Logging Failed Steps in Procedures - The System > Configure page includes the following option - Enable logging of procedure errors marked "Continue procedure if step fail" - If checked, failed steps in procedures are logged. If blank, failed steps in procedures are not logged.
Preventing the Logging of Successful Child Script Execution - The System > Configure page includes the following option - Enable logging of successful child script execution in agent procedure log - If unchecked, child script success entries are not included in the agent procedure log. This can reduce the size of the agent procedure log tremendously. It takes up to 5 minutes for the KServer to read this setting change.
View Definitions - You can filter the display of machine IDs on any agent page using the following agent procedure options in View Definitions.