The Parser Summary page displays and optionally define alerts for all parser sets assigned to all machine IDs within the user's scope. Parser Summary can also copy parser sets assignments to multiple machine IDs.
Note: Copying a parser set to a machine ID on this page activates the log parser on the machine IDs it is copied to. Parsing occurs whenever the log file being parsed is updated.
Note: You can download a Configuring Log Parsers Step-by-Step PDF from the first topic of online user assistance.
Log Monitoring Setup
The agent collects log entries and creates an entry in the 'log monitoring' log based on the criteria defined by the parser set, whether or not any of the notification methods are checked. You don't have to be notified each time a new log monitoring entry is created. You can simply review the 'Log Monitoring' log periodically at your convenience.
To Copy Parser Set Assignments
To Create a Parser Set Alert
To Cancel a Parser Set Alert
The alert information listed next to the machine ID is removed.
Passing Alert Information to Emails and Procedures
The following types of monitoring alert emails can be sent and formatted:
Note: Changing this email alarm format changes the format for both Assign Parser Sets and Parser Summary emails.
The following variables can be included in your formatted email alerts and are passed to agent procedures assigned to the alert. A in a numbered column indicates a variable can be used with the alert type corresponding to that number.
Within an Email |
Within a Procedure |
Description |
1 |
2 |
3 |
<ad> |
#ad# |
duration |
<at> |
#at# |
alert time |
<db-view.column> |
not available |
Include a view.column from the database. For example, to include the computer name of the machine generating the alert in an email, use <db-vMachine.ComputerName> |
<ec> |
#ec# |
event count |
<ed> |
#ed# |
event description |
<gr> |
#gr# |
group ID |
<id> |
#id# |
machine ID |
<lpm> |
#lpm# |
Log file set criteria |
<lpn> |
#lpn# |
Log parser set name |
<lsn> |
#lsn# |
Log file set name |
#subject# |
subject text of the email message, if an email was sent in response to an alert |
#body# |
body text of the email message, if an email was sent in response to an alert |
Create Alarm
If checked and an alert condition is encountered, an alarm is created. Alarms are displayed in Monitor > Dashboard List, Monitor > Alarm Summary and Info Center > Reporting > Reports > Logs > Alarm Log.
Create Ticket
If checked and an alert condition is encountered, a ticket is created.
Email Recipients
If checked and an alert condition is encountered, an email is sent to the specified email addresses.
Click Copy to copy the parser sets of the machine ID selected using the this machine ID link to other machine IDs selected in the paging area.
Applies alert checkbox settings to selected machine IDs.
Clear All
Clears all alert checkbox settings from selected machine IDs.
Select All/Unselect All
Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.
Check-in status
These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine. Hovering the cursor over a check-in icon displays the agent Quick View window.
Online but waiting for first audit to complete
Agent online
Agent online and user currently logged on.
Agent online and user currently logged on, but user not active for 10 minutes
Agent is currently offline
Agent has never checked in
Agent is online but remote control has been disabled
The agent has been suspended
An agent icon adorned with a red clock badge is a temporary agent.
Machine.Group ID
The list of Machine.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the user is authorized to see using System > User Security > Scopes.
Click the delete icon next to a parser set to delete its assignment to a machine ID.
Log Set Names
Lists the names of parser sets assigned to this machine ID.
The ATSE response code assigned to machine IDs:
Email Address
A comma separated list of email addresses where notifications are sent.
The interval to wait for the alert event to occur or not occur.
Applies only if Alert when this event occurs <N> times within <N> <periods> is selected. Refers to <N> <periods>.
Applies only if Ignore additional alarms for <N> <periods> is selected.