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Alerts - System

The Alerts - System page alerts for selected events occurring on the Kaseya Server. Selecting the Alerts - System page does not display a managed machine list. The events listed only apply to the Kaseya Server. This option only displays for master role users.

Passing Alert Information to Emails and Procedures

The following types of monitoring alert emails can be sent and formatted:

Note: Changing this email alarm format changes the format for all System alert emails.

The following variables can be included in your formatted email alerts and are passed to agent procedures assigned to the alert. A in a numbered column indicates a variable can be used with the alert type corresponding to that number.

Within an Email

Within a Procedure









disabled VSA user name






alert time



database backup error data






not available

Include a view.column from the database. For example, to include the computer name of the machine generating the alert in an email, use <db-vMachine.ComputerName>



email reader error message







value that tripped the failed logon attempt counter






time account re-enables






Kaseya Server IP/name





disabled VSA user type (master or standard)






subject text of the email message, if an email was sent in response to an alert






body text of the email message, if an email was sent in response to an alert





Click Apply to apply alert parameters to the system.


Click Clear to remove all alert parameters from the system.

Email Recipients

If checked and an alert condition is encountered, an email is sent to the specified email addresses.

Admin account disabled

If checked, an alert is triggered when a VSA user account is disabled, whether manually or automatically.

KServer stopped

If checked, an email notification is triggered when the Kaseya Server stops.

System database backup failed

If checked, an email notification is triggered when the Kaseya Server's database backup fails

Email reader in ticketing failed

If checked, an email notification is triggered if the Ticketing > Email Reader fails.

System alerts sent to

Displays the email recipients who are sent system alerts.