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The Delete/Archive page deletes old tickets, or deletes tickets in a particular category or status. You may reach the point where your system has so many old tickets that they are cluttering up searches with obsolete data.

Note: View, edit and delete privileges for tickets and fields are controlled using Ticketing > Access Policy.

Archiving Tickets

In addition to delete, you can also archive tickets. Archived tickets stay in the database but are moved to separate tables. Use archive to move obsolete or old tickets out of the active database without deleting them from the system. You can always move tickets back and forth between the active database table and the archive database table.


The list of tickets displayed depends on several factors:

Archiving Closed Tickets

If, for example, you want to archive Closed tickets older than 6 months perform the following steps:

  1. Select Closed from the Status control.
  2. Set the Hide tickets last modified after control to list only tickets last modified 6 months ago or earlier.
  3. Click the Set button.
  4. Click the Select All link.
  5. Click the Archive... button.
  6. Check the Display archived tickets instead of active tickets checkbox to search and examine the archived tickets. You can move tickets back to the active table here using the Restore... button.

Open Tickets, Past Due, Closed Tickets, Total Tickets

Shows the number of tickets open, past due, closed, and total for all tickets matching the filtering criteria described above.


Search restricts the list of tickets to only tickets containing any of the words or phrases in the search string. Enclose a phrase in double-quotes ("). Search examines the ticket Summary line, submitter Name, submitter Email, submitter Phone, or any of the Notes.

Note: Using an asterisk (*) in the search field only finds tickets that include an asterisk.

Clicking any of the ticket Summary links in the paging area displays the details of that ticket using the View Ticket page. Words in the ticket notes matching any Search word are highlighted with a green background.

<last 10 searches>

The drop-down list below the Search edit box lists the <last 10 searches> you have made. Selecting any item from the list automatically re-searches for those words.


Click either ascending or descending to order tickets by the selected column.


Allows each user to organize the columns displayed in the table. Clicking Fields... opens a dialog in a new browser window. There, you can select which columns to show or hide and also the order in which columns are displayed. You can show/hide any of the following columns:

You can also select additional custom fields you have previously created using Ticketing > Edit Fields.

Automatically submit on field changes / Submit

If Automatically submit on field changes is checked, then the View Summary page redisplays as soon as a single field in the List Fields Filter is changed. If blank, then you can change several of the List Fields Filter at one time. The View Summary page won't redisplay until you click Submit.

(List Fields Filter)

Each field of type List—such as Category, Status, or Priority—are shown as selectable drop-down lists. Selecting values from one or more of these drop-down lists filters the paging area to display only those tickets matching the selected values. Custom List fields are created using Ticketing > Edit Fields.

Hide tickets last modified after / Set

Set the date and time of this control to only display tickets earlier than a certain date.

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.

Select Page

When more rows of data are selected than can be displayed on a single page, click the and buttons to display the previous and next page. The drop-down list alphabetically lists the first record of each page of data.


Select one or more tickets and click the Delete... button to permanently delete the tickets from the system. Deleted tickets cannot be restored.


Select one or more tickets and click the Archive... button. Archived tickets stay in the database but are moved to separate tables. Use archive to move obsolete or old tickets out of the active database without deleting them from the system. You can always move tickets back and forth between the active database table and the archive database table.

Display archived tickets instead of active tickets / Restore

Check the Display archived tickets instead of active tickets checkbox to search and examine the archived tickets. You can move tickets back to the active table here using the Restore... button.