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The Create/View page creates new tickets, or adds or modify notes in existing tickets.

Adding a New Ticket

  1. Bypass the Ticket ID field. It will be populated with a new unique number when the ticket is created.
  2. Click Select association to associate the ticket with one of six types of VSA records: asset, machine ID, machine group, organization, department, or staff. This is mandatory.
  3. Enter a short description of the problem in the Summary field.
  4. The Submitter fields are populated as follows:
  5. The Date Created is automatically assigned.
  6. The Age / Closed date is automatically assigned. Age lists the number of hours/days since the creation date for non-closed tickets. If the ticket has been closed then Age is replaced with Closed and displays the date and time this ticket was closed.
  7. The default due date for a ticket is determined by the Ticketing > Due Date Policy. The due date is based on the ticket attributes you enter when a new ticket is entered. If a due date policy is in force for a ticket, then a policy icon displays next to the due date. You can override the existing due date by clicking the edit icon next to the due date. The policy icon is replaced by a manual override icon next to the due date. Click the Apply button to reset the due date to the policy enforced due date. If the due date does not match any of the defined due date policies, then the Due Date label is highlighted. If no due date policies are defined then the system default due date is used, which is one week from the creation date of the ticket. When a ticket is overdue, the due date displays in bolded dark red text, both in the View Summary page and in Ticketing reports. It also displays in red text in the header of the Create/View page. You can optionally send an email for overdue tickets using Ticketing > Notify Policy. A ticket is resolved when its status is set to closed and the resolution date is recorded.
  8. Classify the ticket using the built-in List type fields, such as Assignee, Category, Status, and Priority. You can also classify the ticket using additional List type fields that have been created for tickets using Ticketing > Edit Fields.
  9. Enter details of the problem in the Notes edit box. Click the Note Size link to change the number of rows available for your note text.
  10. To attach a file, such as a screen shot, to the ticket, click Browse... below the note entry area. Locate the file you wish to attach on your local computer. Click Open in the browse window to upload the file to the VSA server. Once the file has been successfully uploaded, tag text is automatically entered into the note in this format: <attached file:filename.ext>. This tag appears as a hyperlink in a note for the ticket. Display/download the file at any time by clicking that link.

    Note: The following list of filename extensions display as images or text in the note, instead of displaying as a hyperlinked filename: gif, jpg, png, bmp, txt, sql.

    Note: Ticket note attachments are typically located in the C:\Kaseya\WebPages\ManagedFiles directory.

  11. Check the Suppress email notification checkbox if you don't want email recipients, either VSA users or machine users, to be notified about the ticket. In most cases you'll want to leave this blank.
  12. Check the Suppress automatic note creation checkbox if you don't want a note to be added automatically. This option is hidden by default. Use Access Policy to display it.
  13. Complete the creation of the ticket in one of two ways:

Editing an Existing Ticket

To display an existing ticket, enter a ticket number in the Ticket ID field.

Note: View, edit and delete privileges for tickets and fields are controlled using Ticketing > Access Policy. VSA users and machine users are notified about ticket changes based on Ticketing > Notify Policy. Change the number automatically assigned to the next new ticket using Edit Fields.


The assignee list displayed in View Summary and Create/View is based on the scope of the currently logged on user. Ticketing assignment in the Ticketing module always allows you to see master users, regardless of your role or scope.

Assignee Policy Icon

By default a always enforce assignee policy icon displays next to the assignee field. This indicates that assignee names are automatically selected using Assignee Policy. Click the icon once to display the override the assignee policy icon . This overrides the assignee policy and allows you to select an assignee manually.

Note: If no assignee policy is defined for the combination of List type fields values selected, then toggling between the and icons has no effect.

Displaying the "Create/View" Page Using a URL

The following URL displays the Create/View web page for a specific ticket ID


For example:


Lists the time a change was made to a ticket and the user or user who made the change.


Lists all notes relating to this ticket in ascending or descending time order. Each note is time stamped and labeled with the logon name of the person entering the note.

Note: User entered notes are labeled with the machine ID they logged in with. See Portal Access for details.


If checked, the note is hidden from VSA users but not machine users. The default setting is determined by the as hidden note checkbox in Ticketing > Access Policy. Access policies are applied by user role. If you belong to more than one user role, the most restrictive policy has precedence.