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Edit Profile

The Edit Profile page maintains contact information, the language preference for the agent menu on the user's machine and notes about each machine ID/group ID account. Profile information can be maintained in three other places:

To change user accounts settings:

  1. Select a machine ID in the paging area.
  2. Enter Notes, Admin Email, Contact Name, Contact Email and Contact Phone information.
  3. Press Update.

Special Instructions

Enter any notes about a machine ID account. Helpful information can include the machine's location, the type of machine, the company, or any other identifying information about the managed machine. These special instructions display when you hover the cursor over an agent status icon with a badge. The Quick View window displays the Special Instructions text in the bottom of the window.

Icon Badge

Add badges to the lower right corner of agent status icons, such as Word 50% / HTML 50%. These badges display everywhere the agent icon displays in the user interface. For example, you could mark a machine with a badge to indicate the customer requires a phone call before anyone works on that machine. Or mark a server with a badge because you should not do anything to it until after hours.

Select one or more machines on the Agent > Configure Agents > Edit Profile page, then click the Icon Badge link at the top of the page and select one of the available badges. You can define a Special Instructions text message for each badge. Click the Update button to assign the badge to selected machines.

When you hover the cursor over an agent status icon with a badge, the Quick View window displays the Special Instructions text in the bottom of the window.

Auto assign tickets

Auto assign a ticket to this machine ID if the Ticketing email reader or a Service Desk email reader receives an email from the same email address as the Contact Email field of Edit Profile. Applies when new emails come into the Ticketing email reader that do not map into any of the email mappings or as described for Service Desk in the Ticket Associations section of the Readers tab topic in online help.

Note: if multiple machine IDs have the same Contact Email value, then only one machine ID can have this checkbox checked.

Contact Name

Enter the name of the individual using the managed machine. This setting is displayed in the Contact Name column.

Contact Email

Enter the email address of the individual using the managed machine. This setting is displayed in the Contact Email column.

Contact Phone

Enter the phone number of the individual using the managed machine. This setting is displayed in the Contact Phone column.

Admin Email

Enter the email address providing administrator support for this managed machine.This setting is displayed in the Admin Email column.

Language Preference

The language selected in the Language Preference drop-down list determines the language displayed by an agent menu on a managed machine. The languages available are determined by the language packages installed using System > Preferences.

Machine Role

The machine role to apply to selected machine IDs. Machine roles determine the Portal Access (Classic) functions available to the machine user.


Click Update to update selected machine IDs with the profile information previously entered.

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.

Check-in status

These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine. Hovering the cursor over a check-in icon displays the agent Quick View window.

Word 50% / HTML 50% Online but waiting for first audit to complete

Word 50% / HTML 50% Agent online

Word 50% / HTML 50% Agent online and user currently logged on.

Word 50% / HTML 50% Agent online and user currently logged on, but user not active for 10 minutes

Word 50% / HTML 50% Agent is currently offline

Word 50% / HTML 50% Agent has never checked in

Word 50% / HTML 50% Agent is online but remote control has been disabled

Word 50% / HTML 50% The agent has been suspended

Word 80% / HTML 80% An agent icon adorned with a red clock badge is a temporary agent.

Machine.Group ID

The list of Machine.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the user is authorized to see using System > User Security > Scopes.