The Users page creates and deletes user accounts. This page can also assign users to User Roles and Scopes when the user account is created.
Each user must be assigned at least one role and one scope. You can assign multiple roles and scopes to a user, but only one role and one scope is active at any one time. The active role and scope are selected using the Role and Scope drop-down lists in the top-right corner of the page. You can reset the user's password, enable/disable user logons and log off users if you have access to these functions.
Each user can change their own logon name, password and email address using System > Preferences.
To simplify management and auditing of your VSA, provide each user with their own unique logon name. Avoid using generic logons like User or Admin. Generic logons make it difficult to audit the administrative actions taken by each user.
Email Address- Enter the email address of the new VSA user. .
Initial Role- Enter the initial role of the new user.
Initial Scope- Enter the initial extent of use for the new VSA user.
First Name- Enter the first name of the new VSA user.
Last Name- Enter the last name of the new USA user.
Enter Related Org Staff Member information:
Staff Org- Enter the staff organization for the new VSA user.
Staff Department- Enter the staff department for the new VSA user..
Staff Member- Select or create a new staff member.
Define User Credentials:
Enter a User Name.
Enter a password in the Password and Confirm Password fields. Passwords are case-sensitive.
Check the Require password change at next logon checkbox to force the user to enter a new password when they first logon.
Click Save. The added information is saved. If any mandatory field is missed the system will show validation error-Please correct all validation error prior to saving.
Changing an Existing User Record
Click a User displayed in the middle pane.
Optional Edit the following attributes of the User record:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Staff Org
Staff Dept
Staff Member
Optionally add or remove roles using the Roles tab.
Optionally add or remove scopes using the Scopes tab.
Optionally specify access to machines or other assets using the Personal Scope tab.
Optionally change the password by clicking the Set Password button.
Optionally force a user to change their password by clicking the Force Change button.
Optionally enable / disable user logons by clicking the Enable or Disable buttons.
Select a user and click Rename. Options for changing:
User Name
Password and Confirm Password
Require password change at next logon checkbox.
Set Password
Select a user in the middle pane and click Set Password to change the password for the selected user. Passwords are case-sensitive.
Force Change
Forces a selected user in the middle pane to change their logon the next time they logon.
Enable / Disable
Select a user in the middle pane and click Enable or Disable to enable or disable a selected user's ability to logon to the VSA. This does not affect users already logged onto the VSA. A Disabled column in the middle pane indicates whether a user is prevented from logging on to the VSA.
Log Off
A column in the middle pane indicates whether a user is currently logged on. Select a logged on user, other than yourself, in the middle pane and click Log Off to log off that user. Users are still logged on if they close their browser without logging off. The Minutes of inactivity before a user session expires setting in System > Logon Policy determines when the inactive user sessions are automatically logged off.
Note: See VSA Logon Policies for a summary of functions affecting user logons.