Agent > User Access
User access lets administrators create a username and password their users can login with and remote control and FTP their machine. Users get the same remote control access administrators do. Users login at http://your_VSA_address/access/. Master Administrators can customize the web page seen by users to add their company's logo, look, and feel to the web experience for their users.
The user login page has a line to email the user a new password if they forgot the user password. A new random password is sent to the user email address of record the managed machine. You can set the user email address with the Edit Profile function under the Agent tab.
Set Password
Click Set Password to create a login for the selected machine ID. Select the machine ID by clicking the radio button to the left of the machine name in the Machine.Group ID column.
To enable user logon, the administrator must set a password for the user. The user may change that password after successful login.
Permanently removes the login credential from the selected machine ID. To temporarily disable user access, uncheck the box in the Enable Login column next to the machine ID (see below).
Login Name
Users may log into the VSA to enter trouble tickets and/or get remote access to their machine. The Contact Name, entered here, acts as the login credential for that users.
All login names must be unique in the system. Since users may also login using their machine ID, User Names, machine IDs, and Administrator names must all be unique.
Create Password, Confirm Password
Define a password for the user login. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long.
Machine.Group ID
Lists the Agent machines according to the Specify Accounts criteria. Click the radio button to the left of the machine account you wish to rename.
Login Name
Users that have been granted remote access to their machine may login using either their machine ID or Login Name.
User Web Logon
Displays Enabled if remote user logon is allowed. User remote logon lets users log into the user page from a web browser on any machine. They can always get to that same page by double clicking the Agent icon or selecting Contact Administrator... from the Agent menu.
Enable Remote Cntl
Check this box to allow users remote control access to their machine when they log on to the VSA through any web browser. This is the same remote control capability administrators have, except it restricts them to their machine only.
Enable Ticketing
Check this box to allow users to create and modify trouble tickets for their own machines. Users can only see trouble tickets assigned to their machine.
Enable Chat
Check this box to allow users to initiate a chat session with a logged in administrator. They will only be able to chat with administrators that have access rights to the group ID that user's machine belongs to.