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Local Servers

The Local Server page defines the machine ID and directory on the local LAN used to transfer all new files to an Offsite Server. Offsite replication transfers all changes to files and sub-directories in the Local Server directory to a specified offsite server directory. Files transfers are scheduled using Schedule Transfer. Image Location directories should be defined as subdirectories of a Local Server directory to be included in these transfers.

For each local server specify:

  • The offsite server to push files to.
  • The local directory path to push to the offsite server.
  • Optional bandwidth limit.

The local server directory can be a UNC path pointing to a directory on a network file share. The local server must have a credential set in order to access the network.

Offsite Folder Structure

The offsite server stores data received from local servers in the directory specified. The top level GUID folder is the GUID of the local server the data is coming from. Second level GUID folders are the GUIDs of the machine IDs being backed up. The following diagram illustrates a typical offsite server directory structure.

File Transfers

Only file changes are pushed to the offsite server. Broken file transfers are automatically restarted at the point left off. Restarting the file transfer from the beginning is not required. Offsite replication uses the same communications technology used in the agent/server communications. All traffic is 256-bit encrypted.

Using the Same Machine for the Local Server and Offsite Server

You may assign the offsite server to be the same machine as the local server. This is not recommended but is allowed to support copying image data to secondary disk drives.


Click Create to create an local server using the options previously selected.

Select Machine ID

Select the machine ID you want to act as the local server.

Offsite Server

Select the offsite server to transfer backup files to.

Bandwidth Limit

  • No Limit - The local server transfers data to the offsite server as fast as possible.
  • kBytes/Sec - The local server limits data transfer to the rate specified.

Full path to directory (UNC or local) to push to offsite replication server

Enter the full path to the directory, either UNC or local, which sends data transfers. The local server sends the total contents of this directory to the offsite server.

Check Status

Click Check Status to check the amount of data left to be written to the offsite server immediately. Normally this check is performed only at the end of an active transfer cycle.

Check-in status

These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine:

Agent has checked in

Agent has checked in and user is logged on. Tool tip lists the logon name.

Agent has not recently checked in

Agent has never checked in

Online but waiting for first audit to complete

The agent is online but remote control is disabled

The agent has been suspended


Click the delete icon to delete a local server record.

Edit Icon

Click a row's edit icon to populate header parameters with values from that row. You can edit these values in the header and re-apply them.


  • Active - Indicates files are actively being sent to the offsite server.
  • Suspended - The local server is suspended per the schedule set out in Schedule Transfer.
  • At the end of each active cycle, the system checks the local server and reports back the amount of data left to be written.

Offsite Server

The name of the offsite server being sent backup files from this local server.

BW Limit

The bandwidth limit assigned to this local server.

Directory Path

The directory on the local server sending data to the offsite server.