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The Distribution page spreads network traffic and server loading by executing scripts evenly throughout the day or a specific block of time in a day. Applies to scripts currently scheduled to run on a recurring basis only. See Scheduling Scripts for more information.

Note: Recurring scripts listed here include function-specific scripts that are not visible in your Script Browser, such as scripts created using a Patch Management wizard.

Scripts can cause excessive network loading by pushing large files between the KServer and agent. Performing these operations with hundreds of agents simultaneously may cause unacceptable network loading levels.

Script Histograms

The system plots a histogram for each script currently scheduled to run on a recurring basis. Setting the histogram period to match the recurring interval of the script counts how many machines execute the script in a specific time interval. Peaks in the histogram visually highlight areas where a lot of machines are trying to execute the script at the same time. Click a peak to display a popup window listing all machine IDs contributing to that peak load. Use the controls, described below, to reschedule the script such that the network loading is spread evenly over time. Only machine IDs currently matching Machine ID / Group ID filter are counted in the histogram.

Reschedule selected script evenly through the histogram period

Pick this radio control to reschedule selected scripts running on all machines IDs currently matching the Machine ID / Group ID filter. Script execution start times are staggered evenly across the entire histogram period.

Reschedule selected script evenly between <start time> and <end time>

Pick this radio control to reschedule selected scripts running on all machines IDs currently matching the Machine ID / Group ID filter. Script execution start times are staggered evenly, beginning with the start time and ending with the end time.

Run recurring every <N> <periods>

This task is always performed as a recurring task. Enter the number of times to run this task each time period.

Skip if machine offline

Check this box to only allow the script to run at the scheduled time of day, within a 15 minute window. If the machine is offline at the scheduled time, then the script does not execute at all. If recurring is set, then the script is rescheduled to run at the next appointed time.


Click the Distribute button to schedule selected scripts, using the schedule parameters you've defined.

Note: The script recurring interval is replaced with the histogram period.

Select Histogram Period

Selects the schedule time period for the histograms.

Histogram Plots

Each recurring script displays a histogram of all the machine IDs that are scheduled to run that script within the selected histogram period. Only machine IDs currently matching Machine ID / Group ID filter are counted in the histogram.

Above the histogram is a:

  • Script name - name of the script. Check the box next to the script name to select this script for distribution.
  • Peak - the greatest number of machines executing the script at the same time.
  • Total - total number of machines executing the script.