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Pre/Post Script: Patch Management

Use the Pre/Post Script page to run scripts either before and/or after Initial Update. For example, you can run scripts to automate the preparation and setup of newly added machines before or after Initial Update.

Note: Post scripts run even if there are patch installation failures.

To Run a Pre/Post Script

  1. Select machine IDs or machine ID template.
  2. Click the select script link to select a script to run before or after Initial Update.
  3. Click Set.


Click Set to run selected scripts before or after an Initial Update on selected machine IDs.

Run Select Script Before Initial Update Starts

If checked, runs the selected script before an Initial Update on selected machine IDs.

Run Select Script After Initial Update Completes

If checked, runs the selected script after an Initial Update on selected machine IDs.

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.

Check-in status

These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine:

Agent has checked in

Agent has checked in and user is logged on. Tool tip lists the logon name.

Agent has not recently checked in

Agent has never checked in

Online but waiting for first audit to complete

The agent is online but remote control is disabled

The agent has been suspended

Machine.Group ID

The list of Machine ID.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the administrator is authorized to see using System > Group Access.

Pre Script / Post Script

This column lists the scripts set to run before and/or after an Initial Update.