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Event Log Settings

The Event Log Settings page specifies the event log types and categories included in the Log History.

To specify Event Log Settings:

  1. Click an event log type in the Event Log Types list box. Hold down the [Ctrl] key to click multiple event log types.
  2. Click Add > or Add all >> to add event log types to the Assigned Event Types list box. Click << Remove or << Remove all to remove event log types from the Assigned Event Types list box.
  3. Check one or more event categories: Error, Warning, Information, Success Audit, Failure Audit, Critical, Verbose.
  4. Select one or more machine IDs.
  5. Click Update or Replace to apply these settings to selected machine IDs.

Global Event Log Black Lists

Each agent processes all events, however events listed on a "black list" are not uploaded to the VSA server. There are two black lists. One is updated periodically by Kaseya and is named EvLogBlkList.xml. The second one, named EvLogBlkListEx.xml, can be maintained by the service provider and is not updated by Kaseya. Both are located in the \Kaseya\WebPages\ManagedFiles\VSAHiddenFiles directory. Alarm detection and processing operates regardless of whether entries are on the collection blacklist.

Flood Detection

If 1000 events—not counting black list events—are uploaded to the KServer by an agent within one hour, further collection of events of that log type are stopped for the remainder of that hour. A new event is inserted into the log to record that collection has been suspended. A new event is inserted into the event log to record that collection was suspended. At the end of the hour, collection automatically resumes. This prevents short term heavy loads from swamping your KServer. Alarm detection and processing operates regardless of whether collection is suspended.


Adds event log types listed in the Assigned Event Types list box to the set of event log types already assigned to selected machine IDs.


Replaces all event log types assigned to selected machine IDs with the event log types listed in the Assigned Event Types list.


Clears all event log types assigned to selected machine IDs.

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.

Check-in status

These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine:

Agent has checked in

Agent has checked in and user is logged on. Tool tip lists the logon name.

Agent has not recently checked in

Agent has never checked in

Online but waiting for first audit to complete

The agent is online but remote control is disabled

The agent has been suspended

Machine.Group ID

The list of Machine ID.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the administrator is authorized to see using System > Group Access.

Delete Icon

Click the delete icon to delete an event log.

Edit icon

Click the edit icon next to a event log to automatically set header parameters to those matching the selected event log.

Assigned Categories

The event categories stored by the VSA for this machine ID and event log:

  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Success Audit
  • Failure Audit
  • Critical - Applies only to Vista.
  • Verbose - Applies only to Vista.