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Power Mgmt

The Power Mgmt page powers on, powers off or reboots vPro-enabled machines. Power management options are executed using the agent of the managed machine that originally identified the vPro-enabled machine using LAN Watch. A vPro credential is required to execute power management options on a vPro-enabled machine.

Note: You can display the hardware assets of vPro-enabled machines with credentials using Agent > View vPro.

This page provides you with the following actions:

  • Schedule - Display a popup window of the following schedule options:
    • Schedule / Cancel - Schedule or cancel these schedule options.
    • Schedule Date/Time - Select the date and time to schedule this task.
    • Recurrence - Select whether to run this task once, hourly, daily monthly. If more than once, enter the number of times to run this task for the period selected.
    • Skip if offline - Check to perform this task only at the scheduled time. If the machine is offline, skip and run the next scheduled period and time. Uncheck to perform this task as soon as the machine connects after the scheduled time.
    • Stagger by N minutes - You can distribute the load on your network by staggering this task. If you set this parameter to 5 minutes, then the scan on each machine ID is staggered by 5 minutes. For example, machine 1 runs at 10:00, machine 2 runs at 10:05, machine 3 runs at 10:10, ...
  • Run Now - Run the power management options now on selected machine IDs.
  • Cancel - Cancel schedule options for selected machined IDs.
  • Power Up / Power Down / Reboot - Select the power management option to execute.

Host Name

The unique local name and domain name of a vPro enabled-machine on a network, using the format <domainname>.<computername>.

Proxy Agent

The machine ID of another managed machine used to execute power on, power off or reboot this vPro-enabled machine. The Proxy Agent must be on the same LAN as the vPro machine.

Machine ID. Group ID

The machine ID.Group ID of this vPro-enabled machine, if an agent is installed. Blank, if no agent is installed.


The power management option scheduled to be executed.

Last Power Mgmt

The last time a power management option was executed.

New Power Mgmt

The next time a power management option is scheduled to be executed.


If not-checked, a vPro credential is not registered in the VSA for this vPro-enabled machine and you cannot execute power management option. If checked, a vPro credential is registered in the VSA. In either case, you can click any cell in the Credentials column to display a popup window that lets you register a credential.

Recur Interval

The interval for the scheduled task to recur.

Skip if Machine Offline

If a checkmark displays and the machine is offline, skip and run the next scheduled period and time. If no checkmark displays, perform this task as soon as the machine connects after the scheduled time.

Stagger By

The number of minutes to stagger this task on multiple machines.