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Machine Summary

The Machine Summary reports page produces a detailed report for each machine ID matching the machine ID / group ID filter. Use the Machine Summary report to generate comprehensive reports for individual machines. Separate "add and remove" selection windows are provided for system data and application data to include in the Machine Summary report. The Audit > Machine Summary page displays similar information.

Machine Summary Sections

The Machine Summary report can include the following sections:

  • Add/Remove Programs - Lists programs in the Add/Remove list of a managed machine.
  • Agent Control/Check-In - Displays information on baseline and latest audits, last check-in times, quick check-in periods, primary and secondary server and port information.
  • Applications - Lists applications installed on the managed machine. The list of applications can be filtered by clicking the App Filter button.
  • Apps Added Since Baseline - All new applications detected by Latest Audit that have appeared on the machine since the Baseline Audit was run.
  • Apps Removed Since Baseline - All applications that were present when the Baseline Audit was ran but are missing when Latest Audit last ran.
  • Computer/Network - Displays the managed machine Windows network name, operating system, CPU, RAM, IP address, gateway, DNS/DHCP server, and WINS server information.
  • Distribute File - List files being distributed to the managed machine by the KServer.
  • File Access - Lists protected files.
  • License Codes - Lists license codes installed on the managed machine.
  • Logical Disk - Lists the logical volumes on the managed machines, including removable, fixed, and CD-ROM drives.
  • Recurring Scripts - Lists scripts that are executed on a scheduled basis on the managed machine.
  • Pending Scripts - Lists scheduled scripts on the managed machine.
  • Miscellaneous - Lists miscellaneous agent settings, such as WinVNC and user logs status.
  • Network Access - Lists applications that have restricted network access.
  • PCI Devices - Lists installed PCI devices on the managed machine.
  • Physical Disk - Lists physical disk information for the managed machine, such as hard disks, DVD, and CD-ROM drives.
  • Printers - Lists the printers found by the audit for this machine.
  • System Info - All items collected by the System Info function under the Audit Tab. Click the Sys Info button to make additional system information selections.
  • User Profile - Lists out user contact information associated with this machine ID.

Adding and Removing Items

To add items, select items in the Not Displayed list, then click Add>>. To remove items, click items in the Displayed list, then click <<Remove. To change the order items are listed, click an item in the Displayed list, then click the up arrow or down arrow .

Advanced Filter

Click Advanced Filter to restrict the amount of data displayed. You can specify a different advanced filter for each column of data displayed.

Running the Report

  1. Select the data you want to display in the report.
  2. Enter the title of the report.
  3. Either run the report or export the report to HTML, Word or Excel output.

Share Report / Private Report

These two options only display for master administrators. Reports are always private for standard administrators. As a master administrator select Shared or Private to assign access to a report. By default, Private access is selected. Private reports can only be viewed and run by the administrator that created the report. Shared reports can be viewed and run by all administrators. Saved reports are identified as either private or shared in the left-hand navigation pane.


Click Save to save the current settings.

Save As...

Click Save as... to save the current report under a new name.


Click Rename... to rename the report.


Click Delete... to delete the report.

Enter title displayed on report header

Enter the title that displays at the top of the report.


Reports are saved with the Machine ID / Group ID filter settings that were current at the time the report was first saved or last updated. These saved or updated filter settings are used when a report is run, regardless of the current machine ID/group ID filter settings. Once a report has been saved, the Update button displays just below the field used to enter the title of the report. Click Update to apply the latest machine ID / group ID filter settings to a saved report. The machine ID / group ID filter settings of a saved report can be overridden using Schedule Reports.


Click Run... to run the report using the report options previously selected.

Save the report as HTML, Word or Excel

Click Export... to display the report as HTML, Word or Excel output. If you do not have Excel or Word loaded on your local machine, the page displays as plain HTML.

Remove header from the exported report

If checked, the title, report date and machine filter information do not display at the top of the exported output.