Agent MenuThe Agent Menu page specifies the options that display in the agent menu of a user's machine. The user displays the agent menu by right-clicking the agent icon Note: See Agent Icons for a general explanation of how agent icons display on the user's machine. Hiding the Agent Icon on the User's Machine To hide the agent icon altogether:
All of the other checkbox settings will become dimmed, indicating that all agent menu options have been disabled. Preventing the User from Terminating the Agent Service on the User's Machine If the Exit option is enabled on a user's managed machine, the user can terminate the agent service on the managed machine by selecting this option. When the agent service is stopped, the managed machine becomes invisible to VSA users and can no longer receive commands from the KServer. To remove the Exit option from agent menus on managed machines:
Update Click Update to apply agent menu settings to selected machine IDs. Select All/Unselect All Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page. Check-in status These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine:
Machine.Group ID The list of Machine.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the user is authorized to see using System > User Security > Scopes. ACObSRx This column summarizes the agent menu options enabled for a machine ID. ACObSRx applies to the keyboard shortcuts that are used to access each option in the agent menu. A letter indicates that option displays in the agent menu. A "-" indicates that menu option does not display in the agent menu. A = About Agent C = Contact User O = Launches the URL specified in the URL field. The agent displays the text listed in the field to the left of the URL field. b = Disable Remote Control S = Set Account... R = Refresh x = Exit About Title The text appended to the label for the About option on the agent menu. For example, if the About Title is Contact Title The text displayed on the agent menu for contacting a VSA user. Custom Title The text displayed on the agent menu for contacting a custom URL. Contact URL The URL to display when the Custom URL The URL to display when this agent menu option is selected by the user. | |||
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