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Check-In Control

The Check-In Control page specifies when and where each agent should check in with a KServer. Changes made using this page take effect at the next agent check-in and display in red text until then. You can specify the primary and secondary KServer names/IP addresses used by the agent to check in, the bandwidth consumed by an agent to perform tasks and the check-in period.

Note: The primary and secondary KServer values and the minimum and maximum check-in periods are subject to the policies set using System > Check-in Policy. This prevents users from selecting settings that place undue stress on servers running the KServer service.

Note: Check-in Control information can also be maintained using the Agent Settings tab of the Live Connect and Machine Summary pages.

Migrating Agents from one KServer to Another

You may decide for performance or logistical reasons to migrate managed machines to a new KServer. This can be done at any time, whether or not the agents are currently checking in.

  1. At the original KServer, set the primary KServer setting to point to the new KServer address.
  2. At the original KServer, point the secondary KServer setting to the original KServer.
  3. At the new KServer, set both the primary and secondary KServer to point to the new KServer.
  4. Wait for all the agents to successfully check into the new KServer. At that time, the original KServer can be taken off-line.

Note: For the latest instructions on migrating an existing KServer to a new machine see the article How do I move my Kaseya Server to a new computer? (270436) in the Kaseya Support Knowledge Base Portal.

Changing the Port used by Agents to Check into the KServer

  1. Set the Primary Port to the new port.
  2. Set the Secondary Port to the old port.
  3. Wait for the new settings to take effect on all the agents.
  4. Display the System > Configure page. Enter the new port number in the Specify port Agents check into server with edit box and click the Change Port button.

Note: If any agents have not migrated to the new port before you switch the KServer, you will have to manually change the port at the managed machine. Right click the agent icon in the system tray to display the agent menu on the managed machine and select the Set Account... option. Enter the server address and port. For example,

Primary KServer

Enter the IP address or fully qualified host name of the machine ID's primary KServer. This setting is displayed in the Primary KServer column.

Kaseya agents initiate all communication with the KServer. For this reason the agents must always be able to reach the domain name or IP (Internet Protocol) address assigned to the KServer. Choose an IP address or domain name which can be resolved from all desired network(s), both on the local LAN and across the internet.

Best Practices: Although a public IP address may be used, Kaseya recommends using a domain name server (DNS) name for the KServer. This practice is recommended as a precaution should the IP address need to change. It is easier to modify the DNS entry than redirecting orphaned agents.

Primary Port

Enter the port number of either the primary KServer or a virtual system server. This setting is displayed in the Primary KServer column.

Warning: Do NOT use a computer name for your server. The agent uses standard WinSock calls to resolve a fully qualified host name into an IP address, which is used for all agent connections. Resolving a computer name into an IP address is done by NETBIOS, which may or may not be enabled on each computer. NETBIOS is an optional last choice that the Windows will attempt to use to resolve a name. Therefore, only fully qualified names or IP addresses are supported.

Secondary KServer

Enter the IP address or fully qualified host name of the machine ID's secondary KServer. This setting is displayed in the Secondary KServer column.

Secondary Port

Enter the port number of either the secondary KServer or a virtual system server. This setting is displayed in the Secondary KServer column.

Check-In Period

Enter the time interval for an agent to wait before performing a quick check-in with the KServer. A check-in consists of a check for a recent update to the machine ID account. If a recent update has been set by a VSA user, the agent starts working on the task at the next check-in. This setting is displayed in the Check-In Period column. The minimum and maximum check-in periods allowed are set using System > Check-in Policy.

Best Practices: The agent maintains a persistent connection to the KServer. As a result, quick check-in times do not effect response times from the agent. The quick check-in time sets the maximum time to wait before re-establishing a dropped connection. Setting all your machine's quick check-in time to 30 seconds guarantees each agent recovers from a dropped connection within 30 seconds, assuming connectivity is successful.

Bandwidth Throttle

Limit the agent to consuming a maximum amount of bandwidth on the system with this control. By default the agent shares bandwidth with all other running applications so you typically do not need bandwidth throttle enabled. Disable bandwidth throttle by entering a 0.

Warn if multiple agents use same account

The KServer can detect if more than one agent is connecting to the KServer and using the same machine ID.Organization ID. This problem could be caused by installing an agent install package pre-configured with the machine ID on more than one machine. Check this box to receive notifications of more than one agent using the same account each time you log into the KServer as a user.

Warn if agent on same LAN as KServer connects through gateway

If you are managing machines that share the same LAN as your KServer then you may get this alert. By default all agents connect back to the KServer using the external name/IP address. TCP/IP messages from these agents travel through your internal LAN to your router, and then back to the KServer. Some routers do a poor job of routing internal traffic back through themselves. Check this box to receive a notification when the KServer detects an agent may be on the same LAN but connecting through the router.

Note: Agents on the same LAN as the KServer should specify the internal IP address shared by both the agent and the KServer on the Check-In Control page.


Click Update to update all selected machine IDs with the options previously selected.

Check-in status

These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine:

Online but waiting for first audit to complete

Agent online

Agent online and user currently logged on. Icon displays a tool tip showing the logon name.

Agent online and user currently logged on, but user not active for 10 minutes

Agent is currently offline

Agent has never checked in

Agent is online but remote control has been disabled

The agent has been suspended

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.

Machine.Group ID

The list of Machine.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the user is authorized to see using System > User Security > Scopes.