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Site Customization

The Site Customization page provides four tabs for customizing the user interface for all users.

  • Logon Page
  • Site Header
  • Report Header
  • Agent Icons

Each tab is edited separately.

Note: See VSA Logon Policies for a summary of functions affecting user logons.

Logon Page

The Logon Page tab of the Site Customization page sets the options displayed when a user logs on.

  1. Click the Edit button on the Logon Page tab. The Edit Logon Page dialog displays.
  2. The following settings are all optional:
    • Logo for Logon Page - Browse to select a custom logon on your local machine or network.

      Note: Your logo should be no larger than the recommended size.

    • Title - Enter title text for this environment. The title displays just beneath the logo on the logon page.
    • Right Frame URL - Browse to select a custom image on your local machine or network.
    • Display System Version on logon page - If checked, the system version displays.
    • Display Forgot Password on logon page - If checked, a Forgot Password? hyperlink displays on the logon page. Clicking the Forgot Password? link on the logon page—if activated using the System > Site Customization > Logon Page tab—emails you a link where you can change your password. To change your password, you must have already filled out a Security Question and Security Answer using System > Change Logon.
    • Display System Status on logon page - If checked, the system status displays on the logon page.
    • Display Customer ID on logon page - If checked, the customer ID displays on the logon page.

Site Header

  1. Click the Edit button on the Site Header tab. The Edit Site Header dialog displays.
  2. The following setting is optional:
    • Logo - Browse to select a custom logo on your local machine or network. Click the Default button to reset back to the default.
    • Title - Enter a custom title that displays next to the logo. Click the Default button to reset back to the default.
    • Header Height -

Note: By default, VSA report headers display the image specified by the System > Site Customization > Site Header. Changing the value in the System > Configure > Change URL... > Logo field overrides this default, changing the URL for report headers only. Changing the URL in the Change URL... > Logo field does not affect the display of the Site Header image.

Agent Icons

  1. Click the Edit button on the Agent Icons tab. The Edit Agent Icons dialog displays.
  2. Upload customized Windows icons to the KServer. Windows icons must be in .ico format, the color depth must not exceed 256 colors, and can have a maximum size of 32x32 pixels.
    • Agent online - The agent is checking in successfully.
    • Agent offline - The agent is not checking in.
    • Agent blinking - A message is waiting to be read by the machine user.
    • Remote control is disabled - Remote control of the managed machine has been disabled by the machine user.
  3. Upload customized Mac icons to the KServer. Mac icons must be in .tif format, the color depth must not exceed 32 bit color, and can have a maximum and recommended size of 48x48 pixels.
    • Agent online - The agent is checking in successfully.
    • Agent offline - The agent is not checking in.
    • Agent blinking - A message is waiting to be read by the machine user.
    • Remote control is disabled - Remote control of the managed machine has been disabled by the machine user.

    Note: Custom Mac icon images do not display in the Site Customization page, but display correctly when an agent install package is subsequently created and installed on a Mac machine.

  4. Upload customized Linux icons to the KServer. Linux icons must be in .png format, the color depth must not exceed 256 colors, and can have a maximum size of 32x32 pixels.
    • Agent online - The agent is checking in successfully.
    • Agent offline - The agent is not checking in.
    • Agent blinking - A message is waiting to be read by the machine user.
    • Remote control is disabled - Remote control of the managed machine has been disabled by the machine user.

Note: See Creating Custom Agent Icons for more information.

Deploy Header

Customize the logo and text displayed when Agent > Deploy Agent displays a web page to the user, instructing them to install the agent.