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Message format options

All outgoing messages in Network Monitor can include formatting variables in the text of the message.

Email messages can also contain special formatting codes known as BB codes that can be used to improve the look of the mail.

BB codes

BB codes are a semi-standard used by many forum systems to format messages without the need of embedding HTML. It works similar to HTML, having a start and an end tag, and supports nested tags. BB codes are translated to HTML for all operators that have selected to receive emails from Network Monitor in either the HTML or Simple HTML format. Operators that have selected to receive plain text messages will have the BB codes stripped out from their messages.






Horizontal ruler. This tag does not have a closing tag.



Bold text



Italic text



Underline text



Quote text (translates to the html <blockquote> markup tag)



Sets the size to X pixels

[size=12] Example Text [/size]



Sets the text in scope to use the font "X"

[font=verdana] Example Text [/font]



Sets the text in the scope to use a color. The color can be any type of HTML color definition.

[color=red] Example Text [/color]



Creates a link to URL X

[url=] Example URL [/url]



Inlines an image located at URL X


Format flags

Format flags are used to expand information in messages before they are processed and sent to their recipient. Most of these flags are context sensitive. For example, the flag %monitor_error expands the latest alarm report for the monitor triggering the action, and would not be expanded into anything if used in a Send mail scheduled event.






KNM host local date/time


Alarm/restart message

Date/time for the selected time zone of the object



24 hours formatting



12 hours formatting



Minutes in hour



Seconds in minute



Year with century



Year without century



Month as number 01 - 12



Day of the month 01 - 31



Day of the year 1 - 366



Week day as number, 0 - sunday, 6 = saturday


Alarm/restart message

Creates a link to the network information page


Alarm/restart message

Creates a link to the object information page


Alarm/restart message

Creates a link to the monitor information page



List the recipients of the message


Alarm/restart message

Date/Time + Latest alarm message for the monitor


Alarm/restart message

Date/Time + Latest alarm message for the monitor


Alarm/restart message

Time when monitor last was in alarm state (KNM host local date/time)


Alarm/restart message

Time when the monitor last was in Alarm state (Object time zone date/time)


Alarm/restart message

Time when monitor last was in Failed state (KNM host local date/time)


Alarm/restart message

Time when monitor last was in Failed state (Object time zone date/time)


Alarm/restart message

Text rendering of dependency tree status


Acknowledge alarm

List of monitors that the have had an alarm acknowledged


Alarm/restart message

Name of object


Alarm/restart message

Object free text field


Alarm/restart message

Object hostname/IP address


Alarm/restart message

Object description


Alarm/restart message

Operator group assigned to object


Acknowledge alarm

Operator that acknowledged the alarm


Alarm/restart message

Name of network


Alarm/restart message

Network contact information



Operators on duty


Alarm/restart message

Real time graph attachment in mail.