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Organizations and Machine Groups

Organizations and machine groups are logical "containers" in the VSA used to organize all "assets" managed by the VSA. An asset is any machine or asset you choose to manage. Within the VSA you can assign any asset to any combination of organization and machine group.

Standard VSA hierarchies—networks, organizations, machine groups and managed assets—are mapped to the Network Monitor module as follows:



Network Monitor





Create groups above a gateway node.

Organizations / Machine Groups

Filter asset lists and monitor lists by organization and machine group.



Create groups below a gateway node.

Managed Assets (Machine or Asset)




Monitors - added within Network Monitor

The Network Hierarchy

Each network can contain multiple organizations. For example, two teams from two different companies, could share the same network for an extended project. In this case the VSA would show a single network that includes assets from two different organizations and machine groups.

Note: Machine groups and organizations can be used to filter list views in Network Monitor.