Gateways collect monitoring data from assets connected to the same network as the gateway. The gateway then forwards that monitoring data to the Network Monitor server.
Gateways are installed on agent machines that are members of a network discovered using the Discovery module. All other assets on the network can remain agentless and Network Monitor will still be able to monitor them. The agent machine hosts the additional gateway software required to both collect monitoring data and relay it to the Network Monitor server.
Installing Gateways
lf you have not installed a gateway for a gateway node yet, a blue icon displays, meaning no connection can be made to the assets in the network. To install a gateway:
In less than a minute, all the blue icons should turn green, meaning all assets can be connected to and are capable of returning data to the Network Monitor module server. You can now begin to add monitors or add preconfigured monitors to assets.
Uninstalling Gateways
For the same network, you can uninstall a gateway on one agent machine and reinstall the gateway on a different agent machine. Uninstalling a gateway does not uninstall assets and monitors that are members of that gateway node. Reinstalling the gateway on a different agent machine on the same network allows assets and monitors to once again connect and return data.