Once integration is configured, you can test it by triggering a system-generated ticket in the VSA, then view the corresponding ticket in the Vorex™.
Note: Closing the Vorex ticket also closes the alarm in the VSA that was created by the same alert. This feature requires the System > Configure > Enable auto close of alarms and tickets checkbox be checked in the VSA.
In the VSA, use a monitoring event to create a Ticketing ticket for an agent in an integrated organization and machine group.
Select the Vorex™ ticket created for the VSA monitoring event.
The Ticket View > Affected Assets section identifies the machine, group and organization of the agent account in the VSA.
Click Live Connect to start a session to this machine.
A separate Live Connect window opens. If this is the first time during your session you have used Live Connect, you will be required to enter a VSA username and password. Your credentials determines the Live Connect assets you are authorized to access.
If no Live Connect asset is shown, you can add one manually. Click Edit, then click the plus icon next to the Affected Hardware Asset field. In the Search dialog you can start a Live Connect session on any of the assets listed, without having to link it to the ticket.
Select the RMM Integration tab.
The Ticket Reference identifies the value shown in the Record Reference column in the Sync Transaction Log page in the VSA.
The Status column in the Sync Transaction Log displays the Vorex ticket number created.
Select the Service Desk > Assets Management > Hardware Assets page.
Click any row that displays a Live Connect icon. A separate Live Connect window opens.
If a icon displays, this is the first time during your session you have used Live Connect. Click the icon to enter a VSA username and password. Your credentials determines the Live Connect assets you are authorized to access.