Customers who have already integrated their VSA with Vorex™ using RMM Integration - Kaseya v1 may wish to upgrade to RMM Integration - Kaseya v2. Upgrading to RMM Integration - Kaseya v2:
Provides better performance and efficiency.
Enables users to take advantage of future integration enhancements.
Provides enhanced logging and tracking of integration transactions.
Enables temporary pausing of ticket creation events without loss of data.
Eliminates duplicate creation of tickets in both the VSA and Vorex.
Supports cutover from either the VSA Service Desk module or the VSA Ticketing module.
Supports both on premises and SaaS VSA implementations.
Closing the Vorex ticket also closes the alarm in the VSA that was created by the same alert. This feature requires the System > Configure > Enable auto close of alarms and tickets checkbox be checked in the VSA.
Upgrade Prerequisites
VSA must be running or later. Vorex™ must be running 3.9.
The following two files are required to complete the uninstall of your existing RMM integration - Kaseya v1 configuration. You can download them from the Kaseya Community. Copy these two files to the //Kaseya/BMSSync folder of your VSA. Do not run these files until instructed to do so in the procedure below.
RemoveBMSSync.bat - You will run this from a command line on the system hosting your VSA.
RemoveBMSSync.sql - You will execute this SQL query on the system hosting the SQL Server used by your VSA.
Identify or create a new dedicated VSA user account used by Vorex™ to access the VSA. Example: Vorex_service. The VSA user account should have access to all organizations. You can re-use the same one you're already using for your existing RMM Integration - Kaseya v1.
Identify the "root" user in Vorex™. The root user is the top most employee tile in the HR > Organizational Chart page. Using this user for RMM Integration is recommended to ensure all Vorex > CRM customer accounts and Vorex > Service Desk tickets can be accessed.
Disable the VSA > Ticketing email server by checking the Disable email reader checkbox on the VSA > Ticketing > Email Reader page.
If the Service Desk module is installed in the VSA:
Click the Disable button on the VSA > Service Desk > Incoming Email and Alarm Settings page.
Uncheck the Activate Service Desk checkbox on the VSA > Service Desk > Global Settings page.
In the VSA, select the System > BMS Integration > Sync Configuration page.
Click the Activate Integration Module button.
This disables the creation of tickets in Vorex using your existing RMM Integration - Kaseya v1 record.
Ticket creation events in the VSA will continue to be collected with no loss of data. Tickets will resume being created when the new integration has been configured and activated.
In Vorex
Select the Admin > Service Desk > RMM Integration Settings page.
Select the existing RMM Integration - version 1 record you have been using.
Set Enable RMM Integration option to Disable.
Save, then close this record.
Click New to create a new integration record.
Enter the following fields in the General Settings tab, Configuration Options section.
Enable RMM Integration - Enable or Disable
Integration Name - Enter a unique name for this integration.
Integration Type - Kaseya Ver.2
Integrator Username - Enter the VSA username Vorex uses to access the VSA. This should be a dedicated service account, such as Vorex_service.
Note: In the VSA, each username is unique across all tenant partitions, so you do not have to specify a company name in the VSA as you do in Vorex.
Integrator Password - Enter the password for the Vorex service account.
Server Address - Enter the URL or IP address for the VSA. Optionally include a port.
Push CRM Accounts automatically to VSA - Enable or Disable - If enabled, new CRM customer accounts create corresponding organizations in the VSA, as soon as the CRM customer account is created. The CRM customer account and VSA organization remains mapped to each other from then on. This option does not apply to existing CRM accounts.
Optionally change the default values in the Ticket Defaults section. All Vorex™ ticket values created from an RMM ticket are initially set to these values. They can be automatically changed—based on the ticket's content—using a Vorex™workflow.
Ticket Type
Ticket Note Type
Ticket Source
Click Save to save your settings.
Do not run the Account Synchronization and Asset Synchronization tabs yet. These are run later.
Click Test Connection to ensure Vorex™ can connect with the VSA instance you have specified.
The following two steps assume you downloaded these files as described in the pre-requisites above.
In a command line with administrator-level privileges, run the //Kaseya/BMSSync/RemoveBMSSync.bat.
Login into SQL Server used by your VSA and execute the BMSSync.sql script.
In Vorex
Select the Admin > Service Desk > RMM Integration Settings page.
Select your new RMM Integration - Kaseya v2 record you just configured and enabled.
Click the Accounts Synchronization tab.
Click Load Accounts.
Optionally filter the loading of data from the VSA into Vorex™ using Filter headers.
Select the organizations you want to import into Vorex™.
Click Import Results.
Select the Assets Synchronization tab.
Click Load Assets.
Optionally filter the loading of data from the VSA into Vorex™ using Filter headers.
Select the assets you want to import into Vorex™.
Click Import Results.
Select the System > BMS Integration > Sync Configuration page.
Click Edit.
Enter the following in the Edit Settings dialog.
URL of BMS Server - Enter the URL of your Vorex™ server.
Company - Enter your Vorex™ company name.
Username - Enter a Vorex™ login username. The Vorex™ "root" user account is recommended. See the prerequisites in Integrating Servers v2.
Password - Enter the password for your Vorex™ login username.
Click Test to verify your VSA can access the Vorex™ server.
Click the Activate Integration Module.
Click the Resume/Enable Sync Processing button.
Both buttons must have a green checkmark to trigger the creation of tickets in Vorex™.