The FTP page establishes an FTP session between the user's local machine and a selected machine ID. FTP sessions can only be initiated from a Windows-based machine. Once the FTP session is initiated, a new browser window pops up displaying the contents of a fixed disk on the managed machine. Just drag and drop files as you normally would.
Initiating FTP - Initiate an FTP session by clicking the name of the remote machine. Icons next to the managed machine ID indicate the current connection status for that machine. Only machine IDs with an or or icon can be connected to target machines and have live links. All others will be inactive.
Agent online
Agent online and user currently logged on. Icon displays a tool tip showing the logon name.
Agent online and user currently logged on, but user not active for 10 minutes
Enter a drive letter to FTP to - After clicking a machine ID you can optionally enter the drive letter to FTP to, instead of selecting a remote fixed drive option.
Note: The Kaseya Server determines how many fixed disks a managed machine has via its Latest Audit.
FTP the KServer - Clicking the FTP the KServer link starts an FTP session with the Kaseya Server itself. This option only displays for master role users.
Enable verbose relay - Remote control or FTP of machines behind firewalls and NAT gateways may be relayed through the VSA server using a helper application. Checking this box displays a popup window with status information about the normally hidden helper application.
Additional Guidelines
Enable / Disable the Machine User's Ability to Initiate FTP Remotely - Users can enable / disable the machine user's ability to initiate FTP remotely to their own machine from another machine using Agent > Portal Access and System > Machine Roles.
Users Can Disable Remote Control Access - Users can disable remote control and FTP sessions by right-clicking the icon on their managed machine and selecting Disable Remote Control. You can deny users this ability by removing Disable Remote Control using Agent > Agent Menu.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a commonly used protocol for exchanging files over any network that supports the TCP/IP protocol. The FTP server is the program onthe target machine that listens on the network for connection requests from other computers. The FTP client is the program on the VSA user's local machine that initiates a connection to the server. The FTP client machine requires user access rights to the FTP server machine. It is included with the Kaseya Server primarily to provide immediate technical support. Once connected, the client can upload files to the server, download files from the server, rename or delete files on the server and so on. Any software company or individual programmer is able to create FTP server or client software because the protocol is an open standard. Virtually every computer platform supports the FTP protocol. Since Kaseya FTP sessions are relayed through the Kaseya Server, all FTP sessions are protected by 256 bit rolling encryption protocol.
Uploading Files - You can also use Live Connect to upload and download files using the Files menu.
FTP Malfunctions
Some reasons for FTP failure with managed machines are:
The user machine is blocking outbound traffic on the agent check-in port (default 5721). The firewall may need to be reconfigured.
The target machine is on a slow connection. Let the applications run longer than the timeout period and see if that works.
Anti-virus software on the target machine may block the connection. This problem is eliminated if KES Security protection is installed on the target machine.
Wrong primary Kaseya Server address - Remote control can only connect through the primary Kaseya Server address. Machines with an agent can connect through either the primary or secondary address. Verify the remote machine can see the primary Kaseya Server address using Agent > Check-in Control.
You accessed the Kaseya Server from a different address. The helper application gets connection information from a cookie on the local machine. To access this information, the helper passes the URL of the Kaseya Server to Windows. Say you downloaded the helper application from Then you open a new browser and access the Kaseya Server by typing in its IP address The Kaseya Server drops a cookie for while the helper tries to get a cookie corresponding to The helper won't find the cookie. If this happens to you, just download a new helper application and try again.
FTP requires Passive FTP be turned off. If you get the following error after attempting an FTP session:
Then disable Passive FTP on your browser as follows:
Open Internet Options... from IE's Tools menu.
Click on the Advanced tab.
In the Browsing section, look for Use Passive FTP and uncheck this setting.