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File Source

The File Source page defines where each machine gets patch executable files from prior to installation and where these patch executables are copied to on the local machine. File source locations include:

  • The internet
  • The KServer
  • A file share

Note: Selecting the File share located on option below affects where backup software is installed from, using Backup > Install/Remove.

Note: Patch download links with a cab extension are always downloaded directly from the Internet. regardless of the File Source setting.


Click Apply to apply the selected patch source option to selected machine IDs.

Copy packages to temp directory on local drive with most free space

Patches are downloaded, or copied from a file share, to the managed machine's hard disk. Several patches, especially service packs, may require significant additional local disk space to completely install. Check this box to download patches to the temporary directory specified in Temp Directory, but use the drive on the managed machine with the most free disk space. Uncheck this box to always use the drive specified in Temp Directory for the machine ID.

Delete package after install (from temp directory)

The install package is typically deleted after the install to free up disk space. Uncheck this box to leave the package behind for debugging purposes. If the install fails and you need to verify the Command Line switches, do not delete the package so you have something to test with. The package is stored in the temporary directory specified in Temp Directory on the drive specified in the previous option.

Download from Internet

Each managed machine downloads the patch executable file directly from the internet at the URL specified in Patch Location.

Pulled from system server

First the KServer checks to see if it already has a copy of the patch file. If not, the new patch executable is downloaded automatically and stored on the KServer, then used for all subsequent distributions to managed machines. When a patch needs to be installed on a managed machine, this patch file is pushed to that machine from the KServer.

Note: The default location for patch files stored on the KServer is C:\Kaseya\WebPages\ManagedFiles\VSAPatchFiles\

Pulled from file server using UNC path

This method can be best if you support many machines on the same LAN. The patch executable file is copied from a file share accessible to a managed machine.

  1. Use the Machine Group Filter drop-down list to select a group ID.
  2. Select a machine ID from the File share located on drop down list.
  3. Enter the file share name in the in local directory field.

    Note: The value in the in local directory field must be in full path format, such as c:\shareddir\dir. The value in the Pulled from file server using UNC path must be in UNC format such as \\computername\sharedname\dir\.

    First the KServer checks to see if the patch file is already in the file share. If not, the agent automatically loads the patch file either directly from the internet, or gets it from the KServer. In either case, the managed machine with the file share must have an agent on it.

  4. File Server automatically gets patch files from - Select one of the following options:
    • the Internet - Use this setting when the managed machine running the file share has full internet access.
    • the system server - Use this setting when the managed machine running the file share is blocked from getting internet access.
  5. Download from Internet if machine is unable to connect to the file server - Optionally check this box to download from the internet. A bad network credential, for example, may prevent a machine from connecting to the file server. This is especially useful for laptops that are disconnected from the company network but have internet access.
  6. After the patch file has been downloaded to the file share, the agent on the managed machine being patched connects to the file share to download the patch from the file share. A user credential is required to connect to the file share. Two methods are available:
    • Set Credential - If a credential has been specified for machine ID with the file share, the patch install script uses that credential to access the file share and to install the patch files.
    • User Logged In - If a credential has not been set for this machine ID, then a user must be logged in during the install process in order for the agent to connect to the remote file share.

      The patch file is then downloaded from the file share and installed on the managed machine.

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.

Check-in status

These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine:

Agent has checked in

Agent has checked in and user is logged on. Tool tip lists the logon name.

Agent has not recently checked in

Agent has never checked in

Online but waiting for first audit to complete

The agent is online but remote control is disabled

The agent has been suspended

Machine.Group ID

The list of Machine ID.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the administrator is authorized to see using System > Group Access.

Patch Source

Lists the patch source selected for each machine ID.