CPU/RAMThe CPU/RAM page displays the CPU type, number of CPUs, CPU speed, and total physical RAM for all machine IDs currently matching the Machine ID / Group ID filter. Information shown in this function is collected when a Latest Audit is performed. The amount of RAM reported may be slightly different than the actual physical RAM in the machine. This is the RAM information as reported by the operating system and is normal. Check-in status These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine:
Machine.Group ID The list of Machine ID.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the administrator is authorized to see using System > Group Access. CPU Lists the manufacturer and model of the CPU as reported by the managed machine. If a managed machine has more than one CPU, the manufacturer and model is displayed for each one. Quantity (Qty.) Lists the number of CPUs used in the managed machine. Speed Lists the clock speed, in megahertz, of the managed machine. If a managed machine has more than one CPU, the speed is displayed for each one. Note: Due to rounding, the listed speed of the processor may not match the speed specified by its manufacturer. RAM Lists the amount of physical random access memory available, in megabytes, as reported by the managed machine. The amount of RAM reported may be slightly different than the actual physical RAM in the machine. This is the RAM information as reported by the operating system and is normal. | |||
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