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SNMP Quick Sets

The SNMP Info link page displays a list of SNMP objects provided by the specific SNMP device you selected. These objects are discovered by performing a limited SNMP "walk" on all discovered SNMP devices each time a LAN Watch is performed. You can subsequently define device-specific SNMP sets called quick sets and associate alerts with these quick sets. Quick sets can be individualized for a single device. The standard version of the quick set can be shared with other users and applied to similar devices throughout the VSA. The prefix (QS) is used to distinguish quick set names from other kinds of SNMP sets.

  1. Discover SNMP devices using Monitor > LAN Watch.
  2. Assign SNMP sets to discovered devices using Monitor > Assign SNMP.
  3. Click the hyperlink underneath the name of the device, called the SNMP info link, in the Assign SNMP page to display a list of SNMP objects that apply to the specific SNMP device you selected. When the window opens, follow its instructions.
  4. Display SNMP alarms using Monitor > SNMP Log or Dashboard List.

Use the following tabs on the SNMP Info link page to configure an SNMP quick set.

Discovered MIB Objects tab

The Discovered MIB Objects tab lists all objects sets discovered by the last SNMP "walk" that apply to the selected SNMP device. You can use this tab to add objects and instances to an SNMP quick set for this device.

  • Add Instance - Click to add this instance of this object to an SNMP "quick set" displays in the SNMP Set tab of this same window.
  • Add All Instances - Click to add all instances of this object to an SNMP "quick set" displays in the SNMP Set tab of this same window.
  • SNMP Object - The name of the SNMP object. If no name is provided for the object, the OID numerical designation displays.
  • Instance - The instance of the object. Many objects have multiple instances, each of which have a different value. For example, the different instances could be ports on a router, or paper trays on a printer. The field is blank if the last number of an OID is zero, which indicates there can only be one member of this object. If an instance is not blank, or any number other than 0, than more than one "instance" of this same object exists for the device. You can specify monitoring of multiple instances of an object by entering a range of numbers, such as 1-5,6 or 1,3,7. You can also enter All.
  • Current SNMP Value - The value returned by the object/instance combination by the latest SNMP "walk".

Quick Set Items tab

The Quick Set Items tab configures the objects and instances selected to be included in your SNMP quick set. Click the edit icon to define SNMP monitoring attributes for the selected objects. You can also use the Add button to add a new object and set these same attributes.

  • SNMP Object - The SNMP object name or OID number.
  • SNMP Instance - The last number of an object ID may be expressed as a table of values instead of as a single value. If the instance is a single value, enter 0. If the instance is a table of values, enter a range of numbers, such as 1-5,6 or 1,3,7. You can also enter All.
  • Alarm Operator - For character string return values, the options are Changed, Equal or NotEqual. For numeric return values, the options are Equal, NotEqual, Over, or Under.
  • Alarm Threshold - Set a fixed value that the returned value is compared to, using the selected Alarm Operator, to determine when an alarm is triggered.
  • Value Returned as - If the MIB object returns a numeric value, you can choose to return this value as a Total or a Rate Per Second.
  • Current SNMP Value - The value returned by the object/instance combination by the latest SNMP "walk".
  • SNMP Sets tab

SNMP Icons tab

  • Customize the alarm icons for this specific SNMP quick set. See SNMP Icons for a general explanation of how to use this page.

Select Page

When more rows of data are selected than can be displayed on a single page, click the and buttons to display the previous and next page. The drop-down list alphabetically lists the first record of each page of data.


Save changes made to this page.


Ignore any changes made to this page and return to the SNMP Sets list.


Clears all SNMP objects from all tabs. The default list of objects repopulates the Discover Objects Set tab a few minutes later.