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License Manager

The License Manager page allocates machine licenses by org ID or group ID. This page also displays the number of user licenses purchased for each role type. If necessary, you can kill user sessions from the page to enable other users to logon.

Types of licenses managed include:

  • Agent licenses - applies to machines by organization, group or group ID
  • Role type licenses - applies to VSA users or machines by role type

The following add-on module licenses only display if you have purchased and installed these add-on modules:

  • Backup licenses for workstations
  • Backup licenses for servers
  • Kaseya Endpoint Security licenses
  • Desktop Policy and Migration licenses
  • Kaseya Service Desk license - See Service Desk Licensing.

Agent License Counts

The following events affect agent license counts:

  • An "unused" agent license is changed to "used" if a machine ID account is created and the agent installed.
  • If the agent is deleted but not the account, the agent license is still considered "used".
  • If the account is deleted, regardless of what happens to the agent, the agent license goes back to "unused".
  • If an account is created, but the agent is not yet installed the first time, the account is called a machine ID template. Machine ID template accounts are not counted as "used" until you install the agent.

General tab

The General tab displays the products you have purchased.

Update Code...

Click the Update Code... to enter a new license code or reapply your existing license code.

Show License

Click Show License to display the current license agreement to use the VSA.

(Header Information)

Displays the following information about your VSA configuration.

  • Kaseya Managed Services Edition - The version number of the KServer.
  • License Code - The current license code for this KServer.
  • Expiration Date - The current expiration date for running the system "as is" with the current license code.
  • Maintenance Expiration Date - The current expiration date of maintenance services, including upgrades, hotfixes and access to tech support.
  • Latest Hotfix Level - The latest hotfix level for the VSA.

Product Name Table

Displays the following information about your add-on modules.

  • Product Name - The version number of the KServer.
  • Version - The version number of the product.
  • Status - The status of the product: Installed.
  • Latest Hotfix Level - The latest hotfix level for the add-on module.
  • Usage Type - The level of functionality enabled for the product. Applies across all role types. See Service Desk Licensing.

Licenses tab

The Licenses tab displays the number of agent-based licenses for each product you have purchased. You can allocate portions of the total number of agent licenses you have purchased for a product to specific organization and machine groups.

(License Type Table)

The license type table displays the following:

  • License Type - Lists each product you have purchased that requires an agent-based license. This can include:
    • Agents - VSA agents
    • KB - Workstation clients
    • KB - Servers clients
    • KES - Kaseya Endpoint Security clients.
    • KDPM - Desktop Policy and Migration clients.
  • Used - The current number of managed machines that have this product installed.
  • Max - The maximum number of managed machines that can install this product

Change License Allocations

The total number of licenses available can be allocated to a specific organization, group or sub-group ID. Select any organization, group or sub-group in the allocation table, then click the Change License Allocations button.

(Allocation Table)

The allocation table displays the following:

  • Organization/Machine Group - Lists both organizations and groups within organization in a single column. You select any row to allocate agent licenses to that row.
  • Type - Org or Group. Machine groups can include machine sub-groups.
  • Agents Used - The current number of managed machines that have this product installed in this organization or machine group.
  • Agents Max - The maximum number of managed machines that can install this product in this organization or machine group.

Role Types tab

The Role Types tab displays the license counts you've purchased for each role type in your VSA. Kaseya licensing is purchased by role type. There are separate role types for licensing users by user role type and licensing machines by machine role type. Each role type enables selected functions listed in the Access Rights tab of User Roles and Machine Roles. The number of role type licenses purchased displays in the System > License Manager > Role Type tab. Each role type license specifies the number of named users and concurrent users allowed.

  • RoleType - The name of the roletype.
  • Description - The description of the roletype.
  • Max Named Licenses - The maximum number of users licensed for this roletype.
  • Max Concurrent Licenses - The maximum number of current users licensed for this roletype.

View Sessions

Click a role type, then click View Sessions to display a list of current VSA user sessions using that role type. You can select one or more sessions and click Log Off Selected Sessions to end those sessions. Use this feature to log off unnecessary sessions if a user is unable to logon because a roletype maximum of concurrent sessions has been reached.