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Machine Roles

The Machine Roles page controls access to the Portal Access window, which is a session of Live Connect provided specifically for machine users. The Portal Access window displays when a machine user double-clicks the agent icon in the system tray of their managed machine.

Note: The Access Rights tab settings for Machine Roles determine what machine users see when they use Live Connect. The Access Rights tab settings for User Roles determine what VSA users see when they use Live Connect.

Note: The Home page seen by machine users when they first display the Portal Access window can be customized using System > Customize > Live Connect.

Note: See Enabling Ticketing for Portal Access Users on Unsupported Browsers.

Note: See the PDF quick start guide, Live Connect.This and other resources are listed in the first topic of online help.

Role Types

Kaseya licensing is purchased by role type. There are separate role types for licensing users by user role type and licensing machines by machine role type. Each role type enables selected functions listed in the Access Rights tab of User Roles and Machine Roles. The number of role type licenses purchased displays in the System > License Manager > Role Type tab. Each role type license specifies the number of named users and concurrent users allowed.

Machine Role Types

Every machine role must be assigned to a machine role type. For the initial release of Kaseya 2, there is only one machine role type. The machine role type determines the type of machine-based-license to apply to machines included in a machine role. For example, if you create a machine role called StdMach and assign StdMach to the machine role type called Basic Machine—and there are 150 machines in the StdMach machine role—then the System > License Manager shows 150 of the total number of Basic Machine licenses used.

The Default Machine Role

A predefined Default machine role is provided when the VSA is installed. Newly created machine ID accounts are automatically assigned to the Default machine role when the account is created. If you create other machine roles, you can re-assign machine ID accounts to these other machine roles. You might want to do this if you want to limit machine user access to functions on the Portal Access page for different populations of machine users. Each machine ID account can only belong to a single machine role.

Middle Pane

You can perform the following actions in the middle pane of Machines Roles:

  • New - Create a new machine role.
  • Copy Permissions - Copy the access rights to the selected machine role from any other machine role.
  • Rename - Rename the machine role.
  • Delete - Delete the selected machine role. All machines must be removed from a machine role before you can delete it.


The Members tab displays which machines belong to the machine role selected in the middle pane.

  • Click the Change Machine Role button to change the machine role a machine is assigned to.
  • Sort and filter the machines listed in the Members page.

Access Rights

The Access Rights tab in the System > Machine Roles page determines what functions machine users can perform on machines belonging to a selected machine role. For example, access rights can include whether or not a machine user has access to their own machine remotely from another machine.

A navigation tree provides access to each item and control on the Live Connect page.

  • Click the or icons next to any item in the tree to display or hide child branches of that item.
    • A checked item means a machine role provides access to that item.
    • A unchecked item means a machine role does not have access to that item.
    • Click Expand All to expand the entire tree.
    • Click Collapse All to collapse the entire tree.
  • Click Set Role Access Rights to change access rights for a machine role.
    • Checking or clearing any checkbox sets the same state for any child items.
    • Click Enable All to enable all items.
    • Click Disable All to disable all items.

Role Type

Click the Assign and Remove buttons to change the role types a machine role is assigned to.

For the initial release of Kaseya 2, there is only one machine role type.

  • Basic Machine - Provides access to all Portal Access functions available to machine users.