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Navigation Panel Overview

The Network Monitor navigation panel provides different views of content and enables you to configure module-level settings.

Note: The navigation panel takes the place of the "K menu" in earlier, standalone releases of Network Monitor.

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These functions are detailed in the Navigation Panel Reference included with this documentation. The following is a summary description of each option in the navigation panel.



Monitoring > View

Selects the monitoring view.

Reports > View

Configures customized reports that are bound to selected sets of nodes.

Report Templates

Configures report templates that can be applied to any set of nodes.

Report styles

Configures the overall look of reports, report templates and customized reports.

Knowledgebase > View

Selects the Knowledge base view.

Dashboard > View

Selects the Dashboard view.

Asset maintenance

Configures asset maintenance schedules.

Monitor maintenance

Configures monitor maintenance schedules.

User notification schedules

Configures Network Monitor user work schedules.

Management Windows services

Selects the Management Windows services view.

MIB browser

Selects the MIB browser view.

Record manager log

Selects the Record manager log.

Syslog message

Selects the Syslog messages view.

System admin console

Selects the System admin console view.

System log

Displays log entries created by the Kaseya Network Monitor service.

Trap messages

Selects the SNMP Trap messages view.

My settings

Selects the Edit my settings view.

User notification groups

Maintains user groups. Asset notifications are sent to all members of the notification user group assigned to that asset.

Customized datatypes

Creates customized data types for use with monitors capable of storing generic data.

Asset templates

Configures sets of monitors that can be applied to an asset in one step.

Log settings

Sets log policies for Network Monitor.

NOC configuration

Creates customized NOC (Network Operations Center) views.

Other system settings

Specifies additional settings for alerts and other events.


Sets SMS message settings.