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Legacy Report Definitions

A report is published from a report definition. Report definitions contain all the default settings that determine the content, layout and file format of the published report. You can override these defaults when you run (publish) or schedule the report.

Report definition settings are copied from a report template when the report definition is created. Changing a report definition does not change the report template it was copied from. Changes made to a report template do not affect report definitions already copied from that template.

To create a legacy report definition based on a report template:

  1. Click Info Center > Reporting > Reports > New.
  2. Select the Legacy Report option.
  3. Select a category, then a template, then click Create.
  4. Specify options for report definitions using header options and three tabs:

You can create legacy report definitions based on the following legacy report templates.

In This Section

Antivirus - Antivirus Installation Statistics

Anti-Malware - Anti-Malware Installation Statistics

Audit - Aggregate Table

Audit - Disk Utilization

Audit - Inventory

Audit - Machine Changes

Audit - Machine Summary

Audit - Network Statistics

Backup - Backup

Desktop Management - Power Savings

Desktop Management - User State

Executive - Executive Summary

KDS - Domain Activity

Data Backup Summary

Data Backup Usage Over Time

Logs - Admin Notes

Logs - Agent Log

Logs - Agent Procedure

Logs - Alarm Log

Logs - Configuration Changes

Logs - Event Logs

Logs - Event Logs Frequency

Logs - Log Monitoring

Logs - Network Statistics Log

Logs - Remote Control

Mobile Devices - Device Applications

Mobile Devices - Device Status

Mobile Devices - Device Summary

Mobile Devices - Lost Devices

Monitoring - Logs

Monitoring - Monitor 95th Percentile

Monitoring - Monitor Action Log

Monitoring - Monitor Alarm Summary

Monitoring - Monitor Configuration

Monitoring - Monitor Log

Monitoring - Monitor Set

Monitoring - Monitor Trending

Monitoring - Uptime History

Patch - Patch Management

Policy Management - Agents Policy Status

Policy Management - Policy Info & Association

Security - Configuration

Security - Security

Security - Historical Threats

Security - KES Log

Service Billing - Past Billed Invoices

Service Billing - Sales Order Summary

Service Billing - Unbilled Revenue by Customer

Service Billing - Unbilled Revenue by Item Type

Service Billing - Work Order Summary

Service Desk - Custom Tickets

Service Desk - Service Goals

Service Desk - Service Hours

Service Desk - Service Times

Service Desk - Service Volumes

Service Desk - Tickets

Software - Software Applications Changed

Software - Software Applications Installed

Software - Software Licenses

Software - Software Licenses Summary

Software - Software Operating Systems

Software Deployment - Profile Status by Machine

Software Deployment - Recent Deployments

Software Deployment - Software Installed by Machine

Software Deployment - Machine Changes

Ticketing - Customizable Ticketing

Ticketing - Ticketing

Time Tracking - Timesheet Summary

Time Tracking - Timesheet Entries