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Read Me First

Quick Start Guide

Feature Tabs





Remote Cntl




General Information

Browser Settings

Console Features

Deploy Agents

Specifying Accounts

Using Scripts

IF-THEN-ELSE Script Definitions

Technical Support


Logging on...

Logging off...

Single-User Interface

Administrator Notes Database

Agent Icon

Status Monitor




Online Help can be used to assist you in becoming familiar with the various functions of the system, or to refresh expert users on various commands and features. Before logging in, Internet Explorer should be able to accept cookies and JavaScript enabled.


Some things to keep in mind as you navigate Online Help:

To return to this page, click from any Assistant page. Selecting the Show me link in a Assistant page opens up a popup window without transporting you to a new page. Click on the popup window to clear it and return to the Assistant page you are currently viewing.  

Since Online Help is viewed using Internet Explorer, the navigation shortcuts you already know can be used:

Alt + Back Arrow (or Backspace) = Back one page
+ Forward Arrow = Forward one page
= Refresh the browser window

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